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Like most vessels of the Capelli group, the Tempest 600 model has tubes slightly raised above the surface of the water during navigation, which enables the boat’s exceptional handling, gentle gliding over 70 cm high waves, and favorable up to 20% lower fuel consumption, which can be attributed to lower water resistance. An important advantage in handling such a vessel is also its position in turns. The hull is designed to allow up to 20 degrees of tilt, with the boat firmly holding the desired course, not under steer and cutting into the waves with the bow up. Robust in certain parts, but especially elegantly made, the boat is powered by a powerful four-stroke Honda 150, which can easily drive it up to 40 NM. Average fuel consumption varies between 0.7 l/nm and 0.9 l/nm. The construction of the hull in a deep V goes from the bow part to the stern part, which gives it stability even at the highest speeds and sovereignty in sharp turns.
Inside, it offers a lot of space, lying areas on the bow and stern of the vessel and enough drawers to store equipment and other necessities. It is proud of its high-quality construction and excellent sailing characteristics. Where he will lead you is entirely your decision.
Every boat comes with standard safety equipment.
Check-in: 9:00am
Korcula ACI Marina, Korčula (town), Croatia
Sailing time
Check-out: 6:00pm
Korcula ACI Marina, Korčula (town), Croatia